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Financial Assistance Programs to Help You Save More

CARE, FERA and Medical Baseline Programs

Qualified Customers Can Enjoy Lower Electric Rates with PRIME


As a local program governed by local leaders, Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy (PRIME) is truly concerned about the well-being of its customers.


If your household has limited income or if someone in your home has special medical needs, you may qualify for more affordable energy under either the California Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE), the federal Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) program or by receiving a medical baseline allowance.


Families who qualify for public assistance programs such as Medi-Cal, SNAP, WIC or SSI will likely also qualify for CARE, FERA or medical baseline programs.


How to Enroll?

If you already enjoy the benefits of the CARE Program with Southern California Edison (SCE), you do not have to do anything. Your account automatically remains with these programs when it transitions to Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy (PRIME).


If you are not currently enrolled in the CARE Program or receiving a medical baseline allowance, you can apply by going to and choosing “Help with your bill.” For more information on either of these rate reduction programs, contact SCE at (800) 974-2356.

[1] CARE and medical baseline customers are not subject to a Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) charged by SCE, thus accruing these savings. FERA customers are still subject to this fee.

Level Pay Plan

Qualified Customers Can Enjoy a Consistent Payment Plan with PRIME


Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy (PRIME) offers customers the Level Pay Plan (LPP), which is the opportunity to pay for their annual electricity service across 11 equal monthly payments. The Level Pay Plan does not reduce the amount of your bill — you’re still responsible for paying the full cost of the energy you use, but you can split the cost into more equal payments throughout the year to allow for more consistent and predictable electricity bills.


How does LPP work?

First, we take the sum of your previous 12 months of electricity usage. Then, we divide the total by 11 to calculate the monthly base payment amount for the next 11 months. On the 12th month, you will receive a settlement bill showing either a payment due or a credit balance. This amount equals the sum of your energy usage throughout your Level Pay Plan year. Every three months your usage will be re-evaluated and adjustments may be made to your level pay amount if there was a major difference in usage. This re-calculation allows your bill to remain as stable as possible while working to avoid a large true up amount at the end of the twelve months.


Should your account have a credit balance at the end of your Level Pay Plan year, we will apply the credit amount to your settlement statement in Month 12, or we will apply it to your account starting in Month 1 of the next Level Pay Plan year.


How to Enroll?

If you already enjoy the benefits of Level Pay Plan, you do not have to do anything. Your account will automatically remain on level pay when it transitions to PRIME. If you would like to enroll in Level Pay Plan, you can easily do so by contacting Southern California Edison at (800) 974-2356 or


If for any reason the Level Pay Plan is not right for you, you may cancel at any time. When you cancel your enrollment, any balance amount is due on the due date shown on your statement. If you have a credit amount, it will continue to be applied to your account until it’s used up.

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