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Terms and


From time-to-time, Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy must provide “Terms and Conditions” of service to customers and potential customers. When necessary or appropriate, it is the policy of Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy to include the following terms and conditions language for that purpose:


Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy (PRIME) electric generation rates are managed with the intention of providing electricity to its customers at competitive rates.  Any changes to rates will be adopted at duly noticed public meetings of the Pico Rivera City Council.  Changes to Southern California Edison (SCE) or PRIME rates can impact cost comparisons between PRIME and SCE.


Please note that SCE also charges PRIME customers a Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) and Franchise Fee Surcharge.  In addition, SCE charges fees for delivering power to your home or business and for providing various customer services.  However, PRIME has already accounted for these additional charges in calculating your rates.  Please contact SCE if you would like more information about their respective charges.


To view PRIME rates and SCE cost comparisons, visit our Rates page on this website or call 1 800 GO-PRIME for more information.  These rates and cost comparisons may change over time.  Financial assistance programs like the California Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE), Federal Electric Rate Assistance (FERA), and Medical Baseline Allowance programs remain the same with PRIME.  If you are enrolled in any of these programs with SCE, they will continue to apply to your account as a PRIME customer.


Each month, PRIME customers will receive a single monthly bill from SCE just as they would under SCE service.  This bill includes all recent electric charges, including PRIME’s power generation charges.  SCE will continue to charge you for the services they provide via their delivery side of the bill; this includes the cost of transmitting electricity directly to your home.  For your convenience, SCE forwards the power generation portion of your bill to PRIME when you pay your monthly bill. You will still receive just one bill and need only make a single payment each month. 


Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy (PRIME) is the default electricity provider within the City of Pico Rivera.  Accounts within PRIME’s service area are automatically enrolled in Pico Rivera’s PRIME Power program, our most cost-effective, 50% renewable energy service.  You may also choose to opt up to our PRIME Future program, a service which guarantees 100% clean, renewable energy service at very competitive prices.


Account holders who wish to sign-up for the PRIME Future program can call 1-800 GO-PRIME or visit  Please have your SCE account information on hand to process your request.  Account holders may also request to opt out of PRIME service at any time.  However, you hereby acknowledge and agree that if you opt out of Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy (PRIME) and return to SCE electric generation service any time after the 60-day post enrollment period, your electricity account(s) will be subject to SCE’s current terms and conditions of service


You may request to opt out of PRIME without penalty at any time.  If you opt out, you will still be charged for all PRIME electricity used before the transfer of electric service. Accounts will be transferred on the day the electric meter is read and cannot be transferred during the middle of a billing cycle. In order for your request to be processed on your next meter read date, your request must be received at least 5 business days prior to the date on which the meter is read.


Please be advised that if you opt out of PRIME and return to SCE service any time after the 60-day post enrollment period, SCE will charge a one-time account processing fee and restrict your return to PRIME for 12 months.  By opting out, you will also be subject to SCE’s current terms and conditions of service. For details on SCE’s rates or terms and conditions, please visit To opt out of PRIME service, please call us at 1-800-GO-PRIME or visit our website at Please have your electric bill handy so that we can process your request.

Failure to Pay

Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy (PRIME) reserves the right to transfer your account to SCE upon 14 calendar days’ written notice if you fail to pay any portion of the PRIME charges on your bill. If your service is transferred, you may be subject to additional requirements by SCE.

Customer Privacy Policy

Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy’s policy on Customer Confidentiality can be found on this website here or by calling 1 800 GO-PRIME.

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